3 Types of Fibromyalgia Headaches


Migraine Headache

Migraine and fibromyalgia are more similar that you think. Like fibromyalgia, migraine is another mystery itself where the cause is not fully comprehended. What we understand so far is that it begins with an abnormality in the brain and its interaction with the trigeminal nerve, a key pain pathway. Researchers believe the abnormality to be an imbalance of brain chemicals of which Serotonin is a biggest suspect. Here is where the similarities of migraine and fibromyalgia come in. Studies have shown that low serotonin levels can cause migraine headaches and is also theorized to be a cause of fibromyalgia too. In fact, the common symptoms faced by fibromyalgia patients, fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, are also causes of migraine.


Similar to fibromyalgia, there are no cure to migraines. There are over-the-counter medications to provide pain relief such acetaminophen, naproxen, ibuprofen. However, the main treatment should focus on prevention rather than cure. Lifestyle changes which can help prevent migraine includes drinking sufficient water, ensuring enough sleep, reducing stress, avoiding trigger foods and exercising regularly.


fibromyalgia headache

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1 Comment

  1. says: Rose C. Walker

    I’d like to add another horrible headache feeling to the list. Sometimes my head & back of the neck will feel like all the nerves are just alive & “screaming”. It can envelop my head, and when it goes across my forehead, that’s when I can no longer really think well and don’t want to move. I get very quiet if I try to speak at all. I would try and rest through it, except that closing my eyes makes the pain worse, as if just the muscles of the eyelid are enough to pull at the pain in the forehead, it’s horrible.

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