Fibro Pain Relief Tip: Increase Tryptophan Foods

fibromyalgia pain relief - tryptophan

Tryptophan in an essential amino acid derived from proteins. It is a key nutrient which can help in fibromyalgia pain relief.

How Does Tryptophan Help Fibro Pain Relief?

Tryptophan is a building block for two important human biochemical, neurotransmitter serotonin and the hormone melatonin. In case you didn’t know, serotonin is the feel good hormone, which helps to regulate one’s mood. Melatonin, on the other hand, is the sleep hormone which can help promote restorative sleep. These are key hormones which can help to alleviate depression and chronic fatigue, two common symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Increasing your intake of tryptophan foods or taking supplements can lift your mood, increase energy, improve sleep and improve your overall health. These benefits in turn help in fibromyalgia pain relief. As your body cannot produce this chemical naturally, you need to get it from the food you eat. Without tryptophan, your body will not be able to produce serotonin. This can worsen any depression, anxiety and stress.


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