Capsaicin For Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS
So far, there has not been any specific research done on the use of capsaicin to treat chronic fatigue syndrome. But because this condition can make you suffer from the same symptoms found in fibromyalgia, the following studies may be relevant for CFS as well.
In one research done on the use of topical capsaicin for fibromyalgia pain, it provided evidence that capsaicin can indeed help to minimize the feeling of tenderness, however, it did not improve some other symptoms.
In one study done on severe cases of fibromyalgia, researchers have found short term changes on the following:
- Role limitations as a result of emotional problems
- Pressure pain threshold
- Pain
- Fatigue severity
- Depression
- Measure on the overall well-being and illness
However, the study only involves 70 people in a treatment group. The participants continued with their usual medical treatment and they simply added capsaicin as a supplementary treatment. The other 60 people, which acted as the control, have also continued with their regular treatment, however, there were no placebo. A larger placebo-controlled trial is needed in order to replicate the result before a conclusion can be made.
Another study done on chronic, non-specific lower back pain has also shown some evidence that the capsaicin cream may help people with lower back pain and was also diagnosed to have fibromyalgia.