SSRI/SNRIs for Fibromyalgia


Side Effects and Interactions

SNRIs and SSRIs have a long list of possible side effects. The most dangerous ones are hallucinations and seizures. There is also a good chance that these medications will react negatively when taken along with other medications that increase serotonin levels. These include blood thinners, NSAIDs, and several other medications. Take note that the interactions and side effects would vary from one drug to another.

Increased Risks of Suicide

SNRIs, SSRIs, and some other antidepressant medications are required by the FDA to have a black-box warning. Black-box warning is considered a serious alert, regarding the increased risk of suicidal behaviors caused by these medications.

Anyone who is taking these drugs should be fully informed of these risks. Friends and family members of the patient must also be aware of it. That way, they can monitor the patient and spot any warning signs. If you are having suicidal thoughts, it is important that you seek help immediately.


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