How to Treat Frozen Shoulder in Fibromyalgia?
One of the most common treatment for frozen shoulder is medications such as Advil and Aspirin. They help to minimize the pain that one feel as a result of frozen shoulder. Additionally, physician may also prescribe anti-inflammation and pain relief drugs.
Another method of treatment is physical therapy. This treatment will focus on stretches especially in the shoulder area. This can help to improve blood circulation in the body and bring back mobility. In the event where the symptoms increase, your therapist may give you steroid injections. This can significantly lessen the pain and restore the person’s mobility. The patient will sometimes be prescribed with an anesthetic. This is to stop the pain while the therapist work to loosen the tissues in the shoulder.
Surgery for frozen shoulder may also be necessary. The surgery involves using a small tube-like instrument to insert into an incision made on your joint. If everything else fails, surgery is the final option the patient has.

Have had both shoulders frozen at different times. Very awkward to dress, undress, wash hair.
I haven’t seen my doctor yet, but for almost 2 weeks now I’ve had this awful pain in my shoulder and upper arm. I’ve had a torn rotator cuff and surgery for it and if my memory serves me, and who knows, lol, it didn’t feel anything like this. I’ve never heard of frozen shoulder before with fibro, but I guess I should have thought about it, everything else seems to be fibro related
I have had both of my shoulders frozen. The right one first the pain was horrific had to have surgery then afterin the middle of six weeks of excruciating physical therapy the left shoulder started freezing up! Had to go through the same thing except I did not go through the pre physical therapy only the post physical therapy the Dr. and I both agreed that we did not think it would take care of the problem and would be useless pain. One of the worst pains I have ever experienced!!
Before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia I suddenly started to get a really bad pain in my left shoulder every time I moved my arm. This very quickly moved to my other shoulder, the pain was horrendous, I went to see my doctor several times about it and he kept saying it was down to my depression until eventually I changed to another medical practice. By this time I could not move my arms without extreme pain which brought me to tears…for two years I could hardly move my arms and the doctors (there were five of them and I saw all of them) were telling me it was my depression that was causing the the end I got the courage to ask for a referral to a I know what the pains were, my arms are much better but it’s taken almost another two years to get mobility back enough to wash my hair with both hands, not just one with my head at an awkward angle. There are things that I still can’t do but I’m just thankful the pain has gone and I hope it doesn’t come back..
I thought I had frozen shoulder but after consulting my Dr. Who sent me to a specialist I’ve learned that I have a rotator cuff that is shot plus arthritis. It looks like I need a complete shoulder replacement. If you think it is a frozen shoulder please check it out thoroughly.
I’ve had frozen shoulder, in both arms, but not at the same time, thank goodness. Terrible pain when i tried to stretch it to get some motion. Drs. just told me it’s one of those mystery syndromes! I would try to stretch it out in the shower, and it was agony. I don’t even remember how long it lasted or how it resolved! what a memory. I am 68 years old, and this was at least 10 years ago. Now at least i know it’s related to inflammation and Fibro. I’ve started to hear loud crunching sounds lately when i move at all. My head, neck, even just walking or sitting up or down.
I had a frozen shoulder. I could not move my arm, could not even touch it. I tried acupuncture even that did not work. Nightimes were torture , so much pain.All this lasted a year. Now I still have lots of pain in this shoulder and arm. My shoulder swells up about one inch or so , makes me look crooked. I think I will always be like
Hi I’ve had both shoulders frozen which was very painful this went on for months it started with the left then on to the right one . I was given steroid injections which were agony . During this time I also experienced the worst pain ever it was as if sometimes something was touching a raw nerve after 2yrs of this I had a MRI scan done I was told I had to have surgery as I had bursitis, tendinitis and calcification in both shoulders. I had this done on the first shoulder but sad to say I’m still in pain so discussed the with my surgeon and decided not to go ahead with the other one I’m still in a lot of pain .
Can frozen shoulder be misdiagnosed as tendonitis?
I have also had a frozen shoulder, I was put under anaesthetic on 2nd April this year to have shoulder manipulated, it’s helped but I guess the pain won’t fully go away.
Even to put your hair up man this is horrible pain