12 Effective Solutions to Fibromyalgia


Home Remedies

5. Low-impact workouts

Physical activities can help to minimize pain and fatigue. However, fibromyalgia patients should avoid performing rigorous and high impact exercises as these may just exacerbate your condition. Instead, perform low impact workouts whenever you can. Start light and do it slowly. Remember that if you push yourself too hard when exercising, it might just trigger a flare-up.

6. Sleep

Fibromyalgia pain can disrupt your sleep and not getting enough sleep will only make the condition worse. So if you find yourself having trouble sleeping, consider seeing a sleep specialist. This is especially if you have breathing problems that can sabotage your sleep, such as sleep apnea. This sleep disorder can be solved by a continuous positive airway pressure machine that will deliver gentle air pressure into a mask to provide relief and help you sleep.


fibromyalgia and hydrotherapy

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