How he pulled the wool over our eyes!
The strange part was that every piece of information in the book utter rubbish, unverifiable, and just bad advice – despite this fact, it sold more than 5 million copies. In one chapter, Trudeau instructed us to stop using vaccines, while in another part of the book; he advised we should no longer use prescription and nonprescription medication! General tips like not eating fast food and exercising regularly is fine, but some of them can cause fatal repercussions like oral chelation as a cure for heart disease. It also contains absurd stuff like crocodile protein peptide and magnetic mattress pads, as being possible cures for fibromyalgia.

These so-called “cures” could worsen you condition and leave you poorer by hundreds of dollars or more! That is why, you should make sure that the alternative technique of your choice holds some merit, but checking in with a doctor.

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