Comorbid Conditions in Fibromyalgia


Chronic Headaches

Medical researchers believe that those who suffer from chronic headaches, like migraine, share the same defects as those who have fibromyalgia. The defect has something to do with the system that’s responsible for regulating some chemical messengers in the brain, such as epinephrine and serotonin.

Doctors have also discovered a low level of magnesium in those who have fibromyalgia and chronic headaches. When patients suffering from chronic migraine will not respond well to the usual therapies, doctors will end up diagnosing it as a more generalized pain syndrome, just like fibromyalgia. Headache is also a symptom that affects patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Some of the most common migraine symptoms are heightened sensitivity to sound and light, vision problems, nausea, difficulty in speaking, and intense pain on one side of the head.


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