Keep your Body Hydrated At All Times

It is easy to get dehydrated during a hot summer day and if you are suffering from fibromyalgia, you might find it hard to recover when your body loses a lot of fluid. Thus, it is essential to drink lots of water to keep hydrated.

However, if you are not fond of clear water, you can infuse your plain water with sliced cucumbers and your favorite fruits to give flavor. This is a more refreshing and a healthier way to drink. Iced tea is also a great alternative but opt for the caffeine-free variety since caffeine is dehydrating.

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Never Eat Spicy Food

Never eat spicy food during the summer because spicy food increases your internal thermostat thus making you feel warmer and more uncomfortable. Opt for foods that have high water content such as soups, salads and fruits like watermelon, oranges, bananas, apples. Tip: stock up on summer’s best treat, popsicles! Homemade ones are the best!

Always Carry Lozenges and Hard Candies with You

Always carry lozenges and hard candies with you at all times just in case your throat will become dry. Many suffering from fibromyalgia find that dry throat is among the most painful side effects during summer. Sucking on lozenges and hard candies can help to prevent this symptom.

Apply your Sunscreens and Stay Moisturized

Just a minute under the scotching hot sun can burn your skin. Make you have sunscreen on any exposed skin to avoid the pain of a sun burn. The heat during the summer also makes you susceptible to heat rash. Stock up on aloe vera gel to soothe any burns or heat rash quickly.

Although summer can really be uncomfortable for those with fibromyalgia, with a little effort and the help of the tips above, you can manage through the entire summer season.

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