Why is Fibromyalgia often misdiagnosed?

Coexisting conditions
Misdiagnoses of fibromyalgia is also possible when a patient has other conditions along with fibromyalgia. So, he could suffer from sleep apnea, arthritis or Lyme disease that mimic fibromyalgia, along with fibromyalgia itself. It could happen that some doctors who are unfamiliar with the symptoms of fibromyalgia restrict themselves to treating either one disease without checking to see if fibromyalgia is a contributory disease.

Not as simple as a musculoskeletal disorder
Fibromyalgia is falsely termed a musculoskeletal disorder due to the pain factor surrounding it. However, this is not really accurate since the chronic pain exihibit other symptoms beyond just severe muscle pain, such as lethargy, brain fog, sleeplessness, migraines and IBS etc.

As such, “misdiagnosis” is more common than an accurate diagnosis when it comes to Fibromyalgia.

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