

Aspartame belongs to a group of excitatory chemicals that can destruct nerve functions by overstimulating glutamate or neurotransmitter receptors, which are responsible for various cognitive function including how the brain receive and process pain signals. In a clinical report published in 2010, two separate cases of fibromyalgia patients each found relief from fibromyalgia pain after eliminating aspartame from their diet. Although a later clinical study showed that cutting off aspartame may not produce the same pain relieving results in all fibro patients, experts recommend eliminating aspartame as the first pain preventive measure.

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Monosodium Glutamate (MSG):

MSG is an additive or food flavor enhancer commonly added to most frozen meals, canned and processed foods. It is also widely used in Asian cuisines. As in the case of aspartame, MSG too is an excitotoxin by classification and has the power to intensify the pain associated with fibromyalgia.

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