Urinary and Pelvic Symptoms in Fibromyalgia


Treating Urinary and Pelvic Symptoms

Since urinary and pelvic symptoms affect your life negatively, it is important to treat your symptoms as soon as possible. Do not feel embarrassed to talk to your doctor about these symptoms. Most doctors would have seen these problems many times and will therefore have the experience to make these discussions less uncomfortable.

For urinary incontinence, urgency and frequency, there are plenty of treatments available. The most effective treatments are those that require physical therapy. Medications may be prescribed as well. If there is an infection, your doctor may recommend certain medications to treat the infection. Surgery is also an option for those suffering from urinary incontinence and urinary urgency.


pelvic and urinary symptoms in fibromyalgia

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  1. says: Dolores Watson

    What about botox treatment for bladder incontinence when all other treatments and medications have failed?

  2. says: Trina

    A lot of fibro patients have undiagnosed interstitial cystitis which causes the pain, frequency, and urgency described in the article. Treatment is to avoid acidic foods, foods that have tyramine (avocado, bananas, chocolate,…), take the supplement quercetin, and for severe cases there’s bladder instillation treatments available by urogynocologists and urologists who specialize in treatment for the interstitial cystitis. The newer instillations have anti-inflammatory medicines mixed with pain medicine, and are better than the DMSO previously used (DMSO is very painful).

    1. says: Jessica Turner

      I appreciate what you’ve said. I seem to have everything but cancer. I also had my gall bladder removed of which I regret because I can neither hold my urine because of IC nor my bowels. I’m forty-eight now being forced to wear diapers especially around my menstrual when both challeges are at their worse.

  3. says: Niki

    I suffer from fibromyalgia/ myofacial pain and interstitial cystitis. I have learned a lot from this page. I am in a study for IC and just had neck surgery and trigger point injections in my trap muscles. They helped. For IC follow a strict diet. Thank you for the added info:)

  4. says: billie

    I have suffered for 29+ yrs with fibro. Never had any problems with infections. Then 10 yrs ago, the pain was more than child birth. They kept telling me, UTI. Just kept getting worst. Finally they did a scope, biopsy and had bladder cancer. Was treated and was told it was gone. A yr later, blood and extreme pain. Another scope, a different kind of bladder cancer. Very deadly one. It was in the lymph nodes. Was told I would not survive this cancer. They removed the bladder and the nodes. Had a great doctor who did everything he could do. Went on a special diet, did extreme chemo. In July, I will have survived 10 yrs. I feel blessed. Never did smoke or other things to cause this kind of cancer. Always wondered if it was from fibro

    1. says: Elizabeth

      I too was being treated for bladder infections and since I had never had bladder infections I went on my own to a urologist and discovered I also had cancer. I’ve been cancer free for five years now but have to get scoped every year for ten years.

  5. says: Jeb

    My wife has had FM for 6 to 7 years now. She has burning sensations in her legs and arms& of course pain. Her other problem is that she has no sex drive what so ever. Her libido has completely gone and has for almost 5 years. Have you seen this problem before and if so is there an answer?

    1. says: CA

      Jeb, your wife’s symptoms are very common. My spouse and I have really have to make a conscious and continuous effort to keep emotional and physical intimacy in our relationship. Pain can strain even the best of nonsexual relationships, and throwing sex in can be like throwing a match onto gasoline. She probably hurts and sex probably hurts – before, during and after. Physical intimacy can feel like you’re being tortured. I recommend seeing a sex therapist together – someone who specializes in working with couples dealing with chronic pain that is a barrier to intimacy. It is a difficult and sometimes uncomfortable thing to deal with, but you have to keep creative and compassionate to re-ignite the spark!

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