Fibromyalgia: Overcoming Loneliness


In conclusion

Overcoming loneliness and isolation in fibromyalgia can take time. It is up to us to decide how we interpret and respond to what others say or tell us about our condition. Developing this skill requires some patience and time. However, once your emotional distress starts to ease, you will find that building relationships will be easier and your feeling of loneliness and isolation will be minimized.

Build a support system that consists of supportive family, friends, and doctors who can fully understand your situation. They are the best persons who can help you to cope and manage your symptoms effectively and live the life you truly deserve.


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1 Comment

  1. says: Demonica

    Like many conditions it is lonely but in time you get used to it. You have a choice either waste your life doing nothing or try and obtain some form of normality. It has taken me years to obtain some form of normality, and now every day and every minute and second matters. I tired to be sociable like I was once before and it just ain’t happening. I prefer to be alone tbh, I enjoy me time. Yes I was once a sociable person and enjoyed having company but now I enjoy me time.
    I think the loneliness is adjusting to our new life and a new way of life, i find talking to others via the interweb very depressing and now stay of social media. The thought of going to a group which sits and talks about how we are feeling or what we experience is also daunting and depressing. My mum goes to one, she goes to pain clinic and she had told me that everyone just complains about how much pain they get into. My mum and I are like just deal with it, get on with it. The reason we say just deal with it or get on with it is because the more you sit around thinking about the pain or the isolation, the loneliness the more you feel depressed and the more pain you experience.
    Taking pain meds this is another brain mess up, its been scientifically proven to. I don’t do meds no more, find something you can do and enjoy doing, find you time. This helps with a lot of parts of your life. It can keep you fit an active, your mind and body.
    Since been diagnosed I have found pleasure in art and crafts. I am better than I was ten years ago but my body still requires rest and sleep.

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