Post Traumatic Stress:
The condition, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSB), is a bodily response to a specific terrible incident in one's life, such as an accident, a crime, etc. This anxiety disorder sees an individual reliving the horrific experience. This condition is normally associated with soldiers involved in war who complain of pressure linked with pain, high anxiety, disturbed sleep, depression and fatigue.

According to one study, 57% of a FM sample had clinically high levels of PSTD symptoms. Patients of FM with PTSD symptoms displayed high levels of hyper arousal, avoidance, anxiety, reliving their dangerous experience and depression than those without clinically high levels of PTSD symptoms. In this study, the presence of PTSD among fibromyalgia patients was seen to be much higher than that of the general public.

Another case in point is the Gulf War of 1991. About half the number of soldiers who went to war returned only to complain of headaches, difficulty remembering, muscle pain and fatigue. In the absence of a proper diagnosis, these symptoms were recorded as the Gulf War Syndrome. Hence, PTSB is very likely a risk factor for fibromyalgia.

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