The medication you are on can also bring about weight gain. Certain common medication prescribed to fibromyalgia patients cause side effect of weight gain. For instance, second generation antidepressants such as SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) drugs, tricyclics and MAO inhibitors are known to cause weight gain. According to WebMD, 1 out of 4 patients on antidepressants can put on 10 pounds or more weight.

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How to prevent weight gain in Fibromyalgia:

Start and maintain a regular exercise regime
No matter how unimaginable it is, know that exercise is crucial in improving fibromyalgia and reducing pain and its symptoms. Other than helping weight management, exercise increase balance, strength and flexibility of your muscles which are believed to help ease muscle pain. Exercise also helps in stress relief and improve sleep which improve fibromyalgia symptoms and reduce weight gain. Exercise that are recommended for fibromyalgia patients include warm water aerobics, taichi, yoga, walking. Start slow and increase frequency, duration and difficulty of exercise gradually.

Stick to a healthy and nutritious diet
Maintain a healthy diet full of whole foods such as whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, fresh lean protein. Keep your meals low-fat and low sugar. Go for food which has high nutritional value, high in vitamins and minerals and high in fibre and proteins. Avoid food which are high in calories and fat and known to cause weight gain such as junk food, sweet treats, deep fried food, fast food etc.

Visit the doctor
Talk to your health care provider about your weight gain. If the weight gain is a side effect of a medication you’re on, seek your doctor’s opinion on switching medications. You may also get a referral to a physiotherapist who can suggest a work out and stretching regime that is suitable for your condition.

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  1. Bouchez, Colette. "Fat Pharms: Antidepressants and Weight Gain." WebMD. Accessed on:
  2. David Arterburn et al. Long-Term Weight Change after Initiating Second-Generation Antidepressants. J Clin Med. 2016 Apr; 5(4): 48.

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