What Are The Benefits of TPI for Fibromyalgia?

  • Fast and long-lasting pain relief of joints and muscles.

  • Referred pain is reduced.

  • Fatigue, disability, and stiffness are lessened.

  • Minimal recovery time.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of 12 randomized, controlled trials in 2013 have clearly indicated that needling causes immediate pain relief.

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What Are The Side Effects of TPI?

Numbness and aches in the injection site is one of the most common side effects of TPI. These sensations will usually go away after a day and is nothing of concern. However, as of any forms of injections, one possible dangers are infection caused by improper disinfection procedures. These can cause unecessary itch, pain and discomfort in the injection site. It is important to go to trusted medical facility.

Before going for a TPI, it is important to consult and seek your doctor's opinion to determine if you're suitable for the treatment and the appropriate medication to be administered.

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