How Fibromyalgia Patients can Benefit from Essential Oils

The benefits of aromatherapy or essential oil includes:

  • Aromatherapy oils relieve fibromyalgia pain significantly without any side-effects.

  • They also have a beneficial effect on the patient's mental and emotional states because that make up the oils can cross over the blood-brain barrier and make a positive impact on the mind.

  • These oils can have a large range of effects such as enhancing sleep and concentration and getting rid of depression, apart from several neuropsychiatric problems related to fibromyalgia.

  • This therapy also enhances energy, concentration, memory, metabolism, sleep while reducing pain, anxiety and depression.

How to Use Essential Oils

Essential oils can either be massaged into the patient's body or they can be added to one's bath. They can also be inhaled directly or diffused in the air. A nightly bath followed by a light massage using aromatherapy oils is recommended.

  • For pain relief: spike lavender, sweet marjoram, lavender, chamomile and clary sage can be used.

  • To reduce anxiety: rose, frankincense and sweet orange essential oils can be used.

  • For better sleep: lavender, neroli or jasmine oils can be used.

  • To help improve mood: try a blend of Rose, Tangerine, Jasmine, Chamomile and Neroli with sweet almond oil as a carrier. Apply the mixture directly on the chest and navel area.

  • To relief digestive ailments: thyme and peppermint

Here are some great essential oils that are available on Amazon:
1. Plant Guru Essential Oil Variety Set - New on Amazon!
2. Calily Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Set - Click here to save on Amazon!
3. Kis Oil'S Top 6 Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Gift Set - Best Seller on Amazon!

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