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How to Do A Digestive System Cleanse

You can do a digestive system or colon cleanse in three ways--either by changing your diet, by increasing your physical activity or by going to your doctor for an enema. Let's consider how you can do a cleanse through a detoxification diet:

Eat fibrous food: Fiber is the only nutrient that isn't digested and helps contract the bowels. So, the more fiber you eat, the better your colon functioning. You can find fiber in fruits, veggies, beans and whole grains.

Drink lots of water: Drinking a lot of water helps your organs function better. Keep to 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Cut out alcohol and caffeinated beverages: These liquids only dehydrate you, they don't add to your liquid intake, so you'd be better off avoiding them.

Eat more fermented foods: Bacteria present in fermented food is good for your colon because they help to synthesize nutrients and degrade toxins. They also give your cells the energy they need to do their job. Some examples of fermented foods are yogurt, miso and kimchi.

Eat your greens: The chlorophyll content in your greens helps clean and soothe the tissues of the digestive tract. They also provide fiber and repair your intestines. Good sources of chlorophyll include wheatgrass, alfalfa, spinach, Brussel sprouts, barley grass and peas.

Avoid processed food: Processed food such as packaged food, frozen food, canned food, fast food, junk food, instant meals etc. contains chemicals such as preservatives and food additives. These two substances are known to release toxins in your body which stressed your digestive and nervous system.

Apart from going through a cleansing diet, you can also opt to go to the doctor and ask for an enema.

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