Why Fibromyalgia May Be An Autoimmune Disease?

In a lab test down, those who have fibromyalgia normally have a low inflammatory maker, while the autoimmune disease is usually linked to high inflammatory markers. Researchers so far, have not found a lot of evidence of damages either. So this has turned the tide of thought far from immunity.

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However, several emerging researches have put the attention back into that direction and shows that certain structures of the nerve, which includes the optic nerve, can sometimes cause damage on the fibromyalgia. It has not been known how prevalent the damage is. Whether this is evidence of autoimmunity is yet to be seen, yet, it is certain to be considered as one of the possible causes, though.

Similar Conditions

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus are two conditions that are considered autoimmune diseases, and present similar symptoms to fibromyalgia. There are other conditions that might also be similar, but it depends on the certain fibromyalgia symptoms that are found in them.

In addition, fibromyalgia might also occur along with the Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus, which means that you can have all diseases all at the same time. Proper diagnosis is very important in order to come up with an effective treatment plan.

However, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus do come with diagnostic markers, which the doctors can refer to for diagnosis. Both conditions are associated with damage and inflammation.

In Conclusion

More researches are needed in order to determine if fibromyalgia is indeed an autoimmune disease. Until now, what is known for sure is that doctors are not likely to prescribe autoimmune treatments for those with fibromyalgia, like medications that can help suppress ones immune system. As more researches will come, then experts should be able to gain a clear picture eventually.

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