Lavender oil

This oil is generally known to improve sleep, thanks to its delicate perfume and hence can great benefite fibromyalgia patients. Infuse a cotton ball with a few drops of lavender oil and place it inside your pillow case. Alternatively, combine about 15 drops of lavender oil to 1/3 cup white vinegar and one cup of water. Pour it into a spray bottle and mist the room with it. It will help the patient sleep better and also improve high blood pressure too.

Eucalyptus Oil

Some symptoms of fibromyalgia like soreness, chronic muscle pain and stiffness are linked to poor blood circulation, causing a build-up of toxins in the muscles that lead to pain and inflammation. Eucalyptus oil counters these symptoms as it is anti-inflammatory and can stimulate blood circulation by widening the blood vessels. The patient gets relief from muscular pain and fatigue. To use this oil, combine about four to five drops of it in one cup of hot water. Soak a compress pad in the liquid and apply it to the affected body parts. Repeat the process after the water cools down.

Here are some great Essential Oils that are available on Amazon:
1. Organic Helichrysum Essential Oil - Click Here to Save on Amazon Now!
2. Majestic Pure Clary Sage Essential Oil
3. Majestic Pure Chamomile Essential Oil- Best Seller on Amazon!
4. Majestic Pure Lavender Oil
5. Radha Lavender Essential Oil
6. Majestic Pure Eucalyptus Essential Oil- Best Seller on Amazon!
7. Radha Eucalyptus Essential Oil

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