
Sweet Treats:

Any goods from the bakers or confectioneries like pastries, cakes and doughnuts screams of the worst combination of pain ingredients: sugar, gluten, yeast. The price to pay for these momentary pleasures include heightened pain sensitivity due to insulin rise, an irritated gastrointestinal tract and possibly yeast infection. These can further ignite a series of pain symptoms like sugar crash, headache, bloatedness, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, fatigue, genital itch etc.

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Nightshades include vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, chilies, bell peppers and eggplant. Though highly nutritious, these vegetables contain a form of neurotoxins which are known to ignite pain in arthritis patients and other pain symptoms in some fibromyalgia patients. For those who react to this class of vegetables, eliminating nightshades from their diet can improve fibromyalgia.

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